As I watch my colleagues earn badges for the Ontario Extend modules I ask myself why I haven’t gotten around to applying for any of them yet. *sigh* I was part of the first cohort of the modules as one of the lucky guinea pigs who worked through the activities in-person and provided feedback on the online version. Through daily extends I naturally worked through a lot of the content needed for badging.

1. Identifying a concept that is often misunderstood in a discipline and created an analogy to help make sense of it

This I do every day. In the video below, for example, someone commented that they “loved the little emic guy swimming in the fish bowl.” Voice-over video has been an excellent way to showcase analogies like this. 


2. Creating a concept map of a syllabus for a course

I drafted the infographic (which is a concept map) for this course, but had a graphic designer produce it.

Each gear represents a component of the course syllabus. They are connected in a way that leads to a final product in the course.

Each gear represents a component of the course syllabus. They are connected in a way that leads to a final product in the course.

Does that count? If it doesn’t … can I use the concept map of myself that we did in the first Extend cohort. Since going through the cohort I actually have used a lot more concept maps in my teaching … much to the surprise of people like Peggy and Alan who listened to me complain about this process.


3. Practicing note taking skills

Click on the “Professional Development” category of this blog to see my notes on various sessions I have been to since I started sharing notes publicly last term. It is actually pretty awesome to take notes on a blog.


4. Brainstorming a list of “What’s in it for me?” from a student perspective

5. Identifying a concept in a discipline that is like driving a car and specified the component skills that are required to master this concept of skill

I reviewed the activity bank for this one for some ideas … and because I thought I had already done it. I agree with several of the posts, but feel that @JenBoothatGC is right when she identified APA as one of those concepts. To master this skill you just need to … read the rules … clarify them … follow the rules … read the rules again … and refer to your manual when unsure.

6. Creating an introductory activity, connected to a discipline, to get to know learners

Again, I feel like this was a daily extend at one point. I know we discussed this, but cannot find the tweet.

Okay, here goes: Nursing is about caring. I could ask students to describe a situation in which they experienced or witnessed an act of caring that promoted healing for an individual.

I added it to the official responses here but it seems to be awaiting moderation.

7. Finding a nugget and making it as meaningful as possible

The Just listen nugget stood out to me, because I use to teach the importance of listening in a therapeutic communication course. It is too easy to forget sometimes just how powerful listening really is. Pearson is absolutely right about the power of empathy in teaching and learning. It is in that moment when we truly listen that we can make a meaningful and lasting impact on our students lives. Active listening is a skill that it critically important to teaching – and often difficult to actualize in the chaos of a busy term. Reminding myself to just listen is something I practice on an ongoing basis. It is essential.



8. Articulating a metaphor to describe their teaching philosophy

My teaching philosophy is written here (and could use some concision). Really it all boils down to flexibility and empowerment, which is reflected on my social media profiles as “Empowering Students to Learn Their Way.” My teaching philosophy in a metaphor is hard to nail down, but here is a shot:

Teaching is an Adventure

And a song that inspires me:


9X9X25 Challenge

Extenders, I know this is double dipping, but I did write enough to say I have done the things for this challenge. Could this be my second post?? Work smarter not harder – Right Jess??


Laura Killam is an experienced nursing educator from Northern Ontario with a keen interest in improving student learning through innovation. For more information please visit


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