Negotiated Grading – Lessons, Reflections, and Processes TESS 2020
Today we presented on our developing theory and experiences with negotiating grades with students. Below are our presentation files. Click here for the session.
Today we presented on our developing theory and experiences with negotiating grades with students. Below are our presentation files. Click here for the session.
Today at TESS 2019 Katherine, Sidney, and I are presenting the findings of our research on gamification. I am really excited to share what students thought of the experience and hear from the audience what they think of the findings. We hope to publish the results in an academic journal Read more…
Moderating a panel of student advocates at TESS 2019 was an honor. The student experience is where our focus as educators really needs to be. These students are trying to make a difference and calling for online education to feel like an interactive human experience. Please listen.
Aaron and I kind of need to be seen in person because we are highly interactive and entertaining. This session is intended to be interactive as participants are here to build game ideas that they can use in their context. Here are our slides from today’s talk to help you Read more…
I have been told that people are interested in talking about how to do more professional development through attending conferences. Today we are discussing how to: select conferences to attend draft abstracts advocate for funding Please contribute your ideas directly into the padlet below. This padlet is being used as Read more…
Tonight I had the opportunity to co-facilitate game night with Nathan Abourbih. Other participants also contributed games to the pool of options we had. There were a lot of choices thanks in large part to Nathan. Our goal was to build on the success of the last game night and Read more…
Sidney and I are presenting on our experience with negotiated grading at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) 2019 conference. In the true spirit of innovation we are trying something new for this jam-packed interactive session. The first few slides of the presentation will be delivered using Mentimeter Read more…
Katherine and I are excited to share all the lessons we have learned (and are still learning) about gamification in our courses. The failure stream at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) 2019 conference is the perfect venue for us to share our insights and hopefully get some Read more…
I am excited to be part of a diverse panel of video creators at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) 2019 conference next week. While not a focus of the presentation I want to share the unintended lessons from working with Jason Toal, Jeff Tranchemontagne, Jon Fulton, Sidney Read more…
Today in the Hub we are doing exactly what the title of this post says: Creating screen capture videos. Jeff and I will provide a quick overview of tips for getting started then participants will be encouraged to make a quick video. We have suggested one of these two options: Read more…