Today I am working on mandatory training even though I am swamped with marking and course prep for next term. These days I am so focused on course design and gamification as I am developing a quest-based approach for the course I am taking next term. Because of this focus, I notice course design elements around me. What I noticed about this course is that they allowed us to choose our path through the course (somewhat) and showed completion through a status bar. The status bar is a nice touch. I wonder if we can do that inside Moodle.

In the opening the offered colour coded menu and indicated I could explore the modules in any order I wanted, but that I needed to do them all to complete the course. They then suggested a starting point.

At the end of each section we could return to the main menu.

At the end of each section, we could return to the main menu.

I like this balance. Students that I visited yesterday seemed to like the idea of quest-based learning overall, but some wanted to be told what to do. Over the past day, I have been thinking that I should provide a suggested quest or required reading each week for students, but be clear that students can do them in any order they want.

PS: Like these modules, my activities will be interactive so students cannot fake completion.


The embedding forced me to scroll up and down.

The embedding forced me to scroll up and down.

These modules were nicely designed, but the embedding inside Moodle needs some improvement. I wish it was not embedded or was able to be viewed in another way.  Overall, the training was a good review of previously attended sessions and the design was well done. The congratulations message was nice at the end, but I would have preferred to get some kind of proof of completion – I guess I will hold on to these screenshots.

Proof of completion

Proof of completion

I am thinking of developing some quest elements using this format … I will need to connect with Orville to find out more about how to set this up. My activities will be packaged in smaller micro-learning style segments. I wonder how well this technology would work with badging.



Laura Killam is an experienced nursing educator from Northern Ontario with a keen interest in improving student learning through innovation. For more information please visit


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