On this fine fall day, I would like to curate some content to demonstrate that I meet the Ontario Extend curator badge criteria. This post will attempt to be sassy and fun. Oh, and I might as well use it for the 9x9x25 challenge since I am falling behind on those posts.
√ Defined content curation.
Here is a curated definition found using the OER Commons:
Curation: the process of selecting, organizing, and sharing high-quality teaching and learning materials online.
From “OER Academy: Curation – Remix” 2017 by userErica Zimmer
under license“Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International”
Here is a fun definition in case you want it in my own words: Curation is how we carefully identify and sequence materials to augment our learning environments. This process usually happens online. However, it may occur in a variety of ways.
√ Exploring Creative Commons Licenses and comparing them to Copyright.
As an OE Fellow with eCampusOntario for almost a year now and in my new role at Cambrian I feel like I have done this many times. Click here for where I recently directed students for resources to answer this question as we were having a discussion about what license to apply to our co-constructed rubrics.
√ Used Boolean operators and limiters to refine searches.
Sense-making Search Strategy: Day 6 #MakingSense18 with @jennihayman and @livingkatstone https://t.co/4kukgw9kMc pic.twitter.com/5a7UrPQk5r
— Laura Killam (@NurseKillam) June 6, 2018
I am not really sure what proof you need, but here is a blog post about a neat trick I learned from Peggy in Jenni’s MOOC. Also, I have a pretty reliable librarian to vouch for me:
You likely know all the tidbits & tricks already, NurseSuperstar!
— peg french (@livingkatstone) June 6, 2018
Just in case that doesn’t work, let’s have some fun:
Goal: To see what I can find about this “NurseKillam” to meet these criteria.
- NurseKillam – not that useful
- NurseKillam AND boolean – apparently I don’t write about boolean searches
- NurseKillam and (boolean or search) – still garbage. Oh, but I see that NurseKillam is actually Laura Killam
- Laura Killam AND boolean – getting better but still not related.
- (Laura Killam or NurseKillam) AND (boolean or search) – Ok, I know there is nothing out there. I should give up.
- (Laura Killam or NurseKillam) AND (boolean or search) NOT fun – Apparently my YouTube channel is not fun
- (Laura Killam or NurseKillam) AND (“boolean” or search) NOT fun – Okay, I am done. I found myself in interesting places along the way but I have nothing out there that fits these criteria. However, some Pintrest albums have both me and something about boolean searching in the same … um album?
√ Exploring repositories to curate content that meet specific learning goals.
Here is a post from about a year ago reflecting on the curation process. I can say that since then my process has changed dramatically. My first stop for textbooks is now the eCampusOntario textbook library. Last year I started using this open textbook for students needing more information about quantitative research. This term I have recommended (but still need to report the use of) an second open textbook for students in my fourth year nursing research course. I haven’t been able to replace all the books students need, but I have recommended this open textbook to students doing a literature review.
My second stop is the OER commons website. Just yesterday I searched it for a former student who reached out asking for recommended resources. I often search it with faculty.
My third stop is Marnie (my Librarian) or Peggy (from eCampusOntario).
√ Using the CRAAP test to evaluate OER.
How about I evaluate the co-created rubric for participation my students helped me make.
Currency = excellent – just posted. Links work.
Relevance = perfect for my needs – imagine that. It was created by my students and I and is at an appropriate level for them. They are the audience.
Authority = students are qualified to know their own context. I am qualified to know the needs of the course. In collaboration we balance each other well.
Accuracy = it was developed based on another OER and has been reviewed by many many people. It is well written and is objective. Click here for a description of the process.
Purpose = the purpose is to set clear expectations.
I say it passes!
Okay, maybe that is cheating …
Here is CRAAP assessment #2 of the rubric for evaluating rubrics that I modified for the course. We used it to develop ours.
Currency = 2013. Based on 2003 work.
Relevance = perfect for my needs. Educators are the audience. Learners understood it.
Authority = David Jennings is respected and experienced (click here)
Accuracy = it was developed based on another resource and has a 5 star review on OER commons. It seems accurate and has been used by other educators at Cambrian. It is unbiased (except towards grading, which is why I edited it).
Purpose = to assist in creating high quality rubrics.
√ Reflecting on using OER when designing, developing and revising courses or workshops.
See above. Also, here is a flashback from the past. I was never able to replace that book in time. Maybe I should try again.
Step 1: Defining the search for #OER related to the Calgary Family Assessment Model #CFAM https://t.co/Y2QLbLPecE pic.twitter.com/qiC9Gd3XvR
— Laura Killam (@NurseKillam) December 6, 2017
Here is a great tip when you can’t find an entire book:
Good recommendations @NurseKillam! I took a quick look at OER Commons and was able to find this, looks to be a full course: https://t.co/EV7GS32z0Y, might be a start? You may also want to break your search into the specific topics you cover in the course to find more material.
— Marnie Seal (@MarnieSeal) August 27, 2018
Which badge should I get next?
Collaborating on getting the Collaborator badge is very meta 😉
— Joanne Kehoe (@joanne_kehoe) September 7, 2018