Hot topics with Sandra Goldsworthy and Margaret Verkuyl
Here is a list of the major topics they discussed
- Do we replace or titrate simulation?
- What are recent advancements in simulation technology?
- We need training!
- How do we embed simulation in curriculum?
- Combining mannequin, simulated patients, virtual simulation XR, VR, and AR.
- Combining different modalities for debriefing.
- What professional development is needed?
- Why collaborate? Because we can create high-quality simulations and research when we work together.
- What is next in simulation research?
- Need more multi-site studies
- Need to look at patient outcomes
- Critical nursing shortage – can simulation help?
- What are different types of virtual simulations good for?
- Charting?
- Processes?
- Cost analysis
- Psychological safety and should students need to show their face? no … what about the learning?
- How are we protecting student data?
Quality simulation leads to quality patient outcomes!!
Let’s continue the conversations …