Yesterday two key things happened: I made a challenge and accepted it.

The Presentation

Jeff, Jess, and I hosted a professional development double-dip that turned into more of a unique presentation to faculty than we thought. In preparation for Online Learning 2018, we piloted a 15 minute Easy DIY Video Success Strategies session for faculty. After the session, we sought faculty feedback and re-designed the session. It was a happy coincidence that this session was also a perfect follow up for the eCampusOntario webinar from September 25.

Video creation is a hot topic at conferences. All of the resources from all of the well-attended video related presentations I have been involved in since last May are posted on this website. Most of them also have related blogs here. The organizers of Online Learning 2018 gave us 15 minutes to deliver content after we asked to host an hour-long workshop. Condensing it in a meaningful way is a difficult task. After today’s session, I got an email from the organizers suggesting some points to focus on, which will be helpful. This suggestion coupled with the feedback from faculty today will help us refine our 15 minutes to be quite impactful. Ironically, 15 minutes is three times as long as I recommend any video would be so I should rise to that challenge.

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

The Challenge

During today’s presentation, I challenged participants to step outside their comfort zone and give video creation a try. My words were something to the effect of:

My challenge to you would be the same: Give video a try and each time you do, make an effort to improve one small component of your video-creation strategy.

Since the CNIE conference, last may I make a similar challenge to my audience and I love when they respond like this:

The Growth

My goals for my YouTube hobby is to improve at both on-camera and live video. I don’t have a live on-camera video set up yet because I do not use any of the resources I have from my employment for production targeted at my YouTube audience. However, I would say that I am now quite comfortable facilitating live classes online.

In the evening I acted on my challenge: I went live on YouTube using Google Hangouts on Air. I have somewhat honed the art leading a live class in three different systems, but Google Hangouts on Air is a much different experience. It is one thing to be nervous in front of your class knowing you can edit the video later (which coincidently I haven’t done unless it is to edit out student content). It is quite another story to be live on YouTube knowing that anyone anywhere may be watching. listening to my mistakes. My silences.

What was worse was glancing at my screen and seeing that zero people were watching. Part way through the session I saw that people were watching – it just wasn’t showing in what was called the control room. I could see them once I switched to the YouTube video page.

If you listen to my voice the uncertainty is palpable. You can hear when it changes. I was in an unfamiliar environment, doing something new. I lost track of the hook I had so carefully planned and forgot some of the things I wanted to say. This is definitely not my best video, but that is okay. I will learn from it.

Immediately after the session, I listened to my video to make notes on improvements for the next time. When I first started video production I hated the sound of my own voice, but I have since learned that listening to my class recordings or videos is a key ingredient to ongoing self-improvement. I want to do more live video, but don’t have a lot of extra time or money to put into it. Purchasing a better encoder just isn’t high on my priority list. I am waiting on YouTube to provide a more intuitive streaming service since they seem to want creators to produce more live video. However, for now, experimenting with free options is fun.

Sometime (when I get time), I have an outline for a more concise and eloquent packaging of the content from this session that I drafted around midnight. I can probably get the content from this video and more into less than five minutes in a more engaging way. However, pre-recorded video style is not always the best. What you gain from a live audience is the interactivity, humanizing component and relationship building. Next session I will do a more popular topic: APA formatting.

One day I will be as comfortable as my Kids are on camera. This little guy would record videos every day if we let him. Unfortunately, I don’t have the hard drive space for that … or the time to edit all those videos.


9x9x25 Challenge

Can I count this entry for the 9x9x25 challenge? It is only entry #6. 🙂 What can I say? I like to blog. It is at the point where my team in the Hub voluntells me to blog things, but I love it. I find it therapeutic and meaningful for processing my learning. It is you I have to thank for that. *Hug* I probably never would have tried it (for the second time) without the nudge and professional development from eCampusOntario and Alan Levine. Both of you and Reclaim Hosting got shout-outs in today’s video.

Oh, and just to clarify my goal is 18 posts for this challenge. I have stopped scheduling them in advance so I may drop off if things get busy, which I expect they will.

Laura Killam


Laura Killam is an experienced nursing educator from Northern Ontario with a keen interest in improving student learning through innovation. For more information please visit


Alan Levine · October 3, 2018 at 5:08 pm

I use Hangouts on air often when teaching for quick, no-edit screencasts to demonstrate thing for students, it helps that it just goes into my YouTube Channel. I have a pretty good sense or a text outline of what I will cover, but they are pretty off the cuff.

Here is one I did to demo editing in Audacity

Also, when I teach remotely. I usually schedule regular office hours that I do via Hangouts on Air- if no one shows up, I just demonstrate the things we are doing that week.

    NurseKillam · October 3, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    Great tips! Thank you. Also, I need to figure out how to auto approve your comments. My settings say that people who have already been approved should be able to comment. *Sigh*

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