What I am Exploring Next in Gamification

There is a level-up plugin for Moodle that I found one day by exploring this Twitter feed. I don’t know how to use it yet. Cambrian already has it installed, but if you are from somewhere else you can ask for it. If you want to experiment with me follow these steps: 1) make sure your editing is on; 2) Under “Add A block” you can add it yourself. I really have no idea how it works yet, but I am excited to play with it and find out.

What you get if you add it to your course.
What happens when I click on settings.

The plugin does not let me see who has levelled up as far as I know. Our Moodle team is not familiar with it so it may or may not work out but it seems to work. To award points, I could add a submission box, but that would be a manual badge (which I try to avoid unless there is a good reason). I am intrigued to see how it motivates learners without an award attached.

I earn levels automatically by doing things in the course.

I see myself using this block in courses without badges in the fall as well as in the main course shell of my Winter gamified course (there are no badges in the main shell). I like that I keep levelling up simply for being active in the course. Since I am teaching two new courses in the fall that need a lot of work I am unlikely to add badges (unless students want to co-create the expectations). This block seems like a nice way to gamify with low to no effort.

A screenshot showing how close I am to the next level.

I Wonder …

  • how many levels there are.
  • if students will get higher levels than me.
  • what the students will say (I plan to say nothing until they do).
  • how many faculty will add this block (can you let me know if you do, please?).
I was going to stop working on this then I got to level 4 … now I want to keep going. Why? No idea but I am doing my mindfulness quest.


Laura Killam is an experienced nursing educator from Northern Ontario with a keen interest in improving student learning through innovation. For more information please visit http://nursekillam.com/.


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