Instead of creating something new for the purposes of this MOOC, I am going to share some of what I have already done that meets the open criteria. In August I was inspired to become a “master of my own domain” by the Extend institute. Since then, I feel like I have embraced making use of my own domain.

The first site I built was my calling card. This site is part of my signature and provides anyone who looks at it with brief information about who I am. It links to my dossier website, which has come in handy for accreditation and applying for a secondment at work. The dossier is essentially an expanded version of my CV that links to information about my teaching philosophy, scholarship, commitment to innovation and more.

In the fall I also created this APA website, which was shared on Twitter as well as in every course I have taught since. I like having this central place to direct students to. Students like that it is accessible and they do not need to log in to see it. If you teach APA you will notice that I have a presentation and marking cheat sheet on the website, licensed under creative commons.

In February I started sharing brief summaries of presentations on this blog. Whenever possible I link to the slides, which are either in Google Slides or SplotPoint. This blog, as well as many of my presentations and videos, use images from Pixabay. While I often use other sources of images, I find Pixabay the easiest because of the plugin for this blog. Also, since everything is in the public domain it takes some fear of missing a citation away.

Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

I am also using this blog to post information for students about BSN4416 before the course begins. Hopefully, students will provide feedback on my plans so the course can be more customized to their needs. To spark some conversation around my “gradeless” approach for the term I submitted an activity to the daily extend activity bank asking for educators to reflect on student reactions. Prior to this, I was also engaged in a virtually connecting session and several Twitter chats about feedback-focused assessment.

I have enjoyed using H5P inside Moodle and for this SplotPoint. In the future, I plan to use more H5P for open teaching. Working openly has been an engaging and empowering experience. I look forward to expanding my openness in the future.


PS: Did I mention I also have a YouTube channel and have been publishing CC-BY videos when possible?


DanielReche / Pixabay


Laura Killam is an experienced nursing educator from Northern Ontario with a keen interest in improving student learning through innovation. For more information please visit


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