Katherine and I are excited to share all the lessons we have learned (and are still learning) about gamification in our courses. The failure stream at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) 2019 conference is the perfect venue for us to share our insights and hopefully get some constructive suggestions from the audience. Our delivery platform of choice is Mentimeter combined with a live Moodle shell! Participants also get stickers during the session for participation (and attendance).


The presentation starts with some interactive slides that include moving particles for the physicists in the room. If you are following the twitter chat and want to follow along here is the Mentimeter voting link: https://www.menti.com/xcikeiw9vp

We hope participants like the interactions on the slides.

The slides are set up to allow participants to ask questions at any time

Participants can click on “Ask a question” at any time during the session.

Mentimeter slides:

Enjoy Moodle

Part way through the presentation we invite everyone to take a live look at a gamified Moodle shell. The mentimeter interactions and slides will continue but we fully expect that participants will be looking at their screens and engaging in experiential learning through the shell.

Picture of a slide that says: 
bit.ly/1007Quest    (no “s”)
Username: Explore
Password: CNIE2019
Link to Moodle and login information.

Google Slides

We are not using google slides to present (unless there is a Mentimeter issue), but here they are if you want to review them. My process for the creation of content in Mentimeter is to build my slides and plan my Mentimeter interactions in Google Slides then import them. I like Google because it facilitates collaboration beautifully.

Want More?

We couldn’t possibly fit everything we have learned about gamification into one presentation. Please check out the gamification category of this blog for more insights. We also encourage you to connect with us for more information or discussion throughout and after the conference.

Laura Killam

In Sudbury? We are at the Cambrian Hub next week helping participants to make their own gamification map. Please come chat with us.


Laura Killam is an experienced nursing educator from Northern Ontario with a keen interest in improving student learning through innovation. For more information please visit http://nursekillam.com/.


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