Darcy points out that everyone has ideas. What happens to those ideas? What keep you from acting on ideas? Workload, fear, workload, fear of failure or success, being shot down at work. It is difficult to be innovative when the people you work for stifle innovation.
Good leaders are the ones that nurture ideas. like Halo top ice cream. #GlobalSummit18 #onlinelearning2018 #I4PL2018
— Laura Killam (@NurseKillam) October 17, 2018
Good leaders are the ones that nurture ideas.
What Does Innovation Look Like?
This session is making me want to eat Halo top ice cream. This example solves a problem. Other innovations are fun ideas like light bulbs that change colours. Other innovations are about doing good for mankind – like musical stairs.
Innovation can be for multiple reasons. It ins’t always about money or health but they are all innovations none the less.
iPhones are an interesting thing. Darcy says it wasn’t where Steve Jobs had originally planned to make a tablet, but when he saw what the interface he saw an opportunity to make a phone. Darcy says we should not be so focused on one idea that we cannot see the opportunities around us. There is no reason why we cannot all think like that.
Be willing to think outside the box. YES! She is so right. She says do not get stuck in the course shell box. Remember your LMS is on the Internet. She asks why we think it needs to stay in the LMS box. She says “Stop giving credit to the companies.” Own your decisions. She says being innovative starts there.
Are you ready to break out of your box? @cambrianhub will help you level up your teaching. pic.twitter.com/3ls4awrOmM
— Laura Killam (@NurseKillam) September 18, 2018
This session is really peaking my interest. I am starting to re-think even using my LMS. Listening to her talk makes me think maybe they can work together better than I thought.
How Does Innovation Look in Education and Training?
We need to replicate the good parts and re-think how content is delivered. We have tons of tools – almost too many (I agree). Be selective how you choose which tools to use in your teaching.
Which tool is the best? It depends.
Allow the curriculum or learning outcomes to drive the selection of tools.
To be innovative in how a course is delivered have multiple ways to deliver content.
Policies drive best practices.
Policy drives best practices #GlobalSummit18 pic.twitter.com/5AnZaBb9tR
— Laura Killam (@NurseKillam) October 17, 2018
Think about your vision, plan and your niche. What can you be known for? If you don’t have a plan at the beginning you waste time, effort and energy and are less likely to be effective. It is important to involve faculty in decisions. It doesn’t work if you don’t involve all of the faculty. She talked about some examples that illustrated the need to have a collaborative process for developing a strategic plan.
#quote #GlobalSummit18 pic.twitter.com/4Xutd8oi6v
— Laura Killam (@NurseKillam) October 17, 2018
My nugget from this session: Policy is important than I thought.
I still think we need to be careful not to limit innovation through policy development.